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Fist  of all open your CASAcontrol BUILDER TOOLS windows application









Then press on the "Linux Transfer" button








This action will build a full folder call "linux" inside your window  c:\casa folder


The content of this c:\casa\linux folder will appears like in the folowing picture












There is 2 .txt files

There is 3 .sh files

There a thermostat grid folder call "grille"


You will have to transfert all those files and 'grille' folder in your Linux folder from where you want to command your CASAcontrol box


Put it where you want, but they must be place in the same linux folder


After that, you will need to do a chmod 755 or 777 for all those files and folder


For that the best solution is to go in the linux folder ( for exemple /samba/anonymous)

And make a chmod 755 *.*


You must be sure that all the files and the "grille" folder will have the right for read and execute, the content of the "gille" folder also


After those importants actions, you will be able to use the 3 scripts


The script is use to command an ON/OFF module

The syntax is

sh mm cc /yourf1/yourf2/

mm is for module number from 19 to 24 in hexadecimal mode

cc is the ON or OFF command  11 for ON, and 12 for OFF

 /yourf1/yourf2/ is your folder where you did transfert all yours scipts and files

Expl: sh 1a 11 /samba/anonymous/


The script is use to send a Schedule Grid to a thermostat

The syntax is

sh grxx dd ii /yourf1/yourf2/

grxx is the Schedule grid that you want to send to a specific thermostat (  the grid that you did record)

dd is for the day that you want to affect (00 for sunday , 06 for saturday)

ii is the thermostat index number that you want to affect with he Schedule Grid for the day that you did choice

 /yourf1/yourf2/ is your folder where you did transfert all yours scipts and files

Expl: sh gr08 04 01 /samba/anonymous/


The script is use to send a Temporary Temperature to a thermostat

The syntax is

sh ii tt /yourf1/yourf2/

ii is the index number from 01 to 0c in hexadecimal format

 /yourf1/yourf2/ is your folder where you did transfert all yours scipts and files

Expl: sh 01 18 /samba/anonymous/

tt is the temperature for the temporary time ( still the next previous timer of the grid, normally 1 hour)

Note that you can not use decimal after comma for the temerature


Don't forget to respect the case for the syntax

Don't forget any space character in the syntax

Don't forget that during a temporary temperature change, you will not be able to send a Schedule Grid to the affect thermostat, ( still the next previous timer of the grid, normally 1 hour)

























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