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Thermostats functions with CASAcontrol BUILDER TOOLS



With CASAcontrol BUILDER TOOLS you will be able to organise the NX5060-675 functionality


The CASAcontrol BOX can control twelve    NX5060-675 thermostats


Each thermostat will have a Channel Nummer ID

This ID appears on the NX5060-675 little windows thermostat, just on the rigth off the temperature information !


This Channel Nummer ID, is affect by the CASAcontrol  BOX when the ANDROID or OS application is use during the first installation !


Each NX5060-675 can then be control separately

With the CASAcontrol BUILDER TOOLS we use this Channel Nummer ID.


One other important thing to know, is that each NX5060-675 can save a schedule grid for each day of the week from 00 to 06 ( 00 for sunday and 06 for saturday )


For the CASAcontrol BUILDER TOOLS, Windows and Linux application will name the  schedules grids  gr00 to gr99


The form of a schedule grid will be as followed




Where each digit will be the indentification of an hour !


The first digit is for 0 to 1 hour

The last digit will be for 23 to 24 hour


The digit from 0 to 4 will fix the temperature


Temperature 01=Frost free 02=Eco 03=Semi  comfort 04=comfort 


With CASAcontrol BUILDER TOOLS, you will be able to create, modify, send schedules grids


It will be possible to manage 99 schedules grids from gr01 to gr99


The schedule grid gr00 should not be use





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