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Of course to use all the CASAcontrol functions for Valves THERMOSTAT, you will have to PAIR each thermostat with your CASAcontrol BOX, this could be done with the "PAIR or UNPAIR a THERMOSTAT" button







Of course to pair your thermostat, you must be sure that this thermostat is not yet pair.


If the thermostat is pair, you will find the index number of this thermostat on the right of the temperature inside the little window of the thermostat !


The index, is a number in hexadecimal from 01 to 0c


01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-0a-0b-0c (twelve thermostats max)


If the thermostat is not yet pair, you will have to press on the "PAIR or UNPAIR a THERMOSTAT" button to pair it.


You will have to answer to two questions.


The first one, is the index number that you want to affect

The second one will be to choice between PAIR or UNPAIR


UNPAIR is to cancel ( suppress) the pairing


PAIR is to assure the pairing


Before to validate the last question ( PAIR or UNPAIR, with PAIR answer), don't forget to press on the big top round button of your thermostat still you will see the little "pair" indication blinking inside the little window of your thermostat.


Then validate  the second question during this "pair" blinkink.


Your will then see your new choice index inside the little window .


To UNPAIR a thermostat press the "PAIR or UNPAIR a THERMOSTAT" button, first answer to the fisrt question ( the index that you want to cancel)


Then answer to the second question ( with UNPAIR), and validate without doing anything to the thermostat !


Important :


When you will UNPAIR, the index will stay inside the little window, still you will PAIR this thermostat with an other index.

But in fact, the thermostat is really UNPAIR.







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